From Bold Gold Chocolate & Nude™ or Bee Positive™ Honeycomb to color gems and diamonds, Bangles are an iconic representation of luxury and elegance in simplicity.

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  • 14K Honey Gold™ Bangle | TSRZ 33YG
    14K Honey Gold™ Bolo Bracelet | WJKZ 13YG
    14K Vanilla Gold® Blueberry Sapphire™ 2 1/6 cts. Bangle | LAED 1
    14K Honey Gold™ Bangle | TSRY 31YG
    14K Vanilla Gold® Bangle | TSRY 35
    14K Strawberry Gold® Bangle | TSRY 30
    14K Strawberry Gold® Bangle | TSRY 31
    14K Honey Gold™ Bangle | TSRY 23
    14K Honey Gold™ Bangle
    Platinum and 18K Bangle | TSRY 26
    14K Vanilla Gold® Denim Ombré® 1 cts., White Sapphire 1/2 cts. Bangle | TSRZ 20
    14K Honey Gold™ Bangle | TSRZ 29
    14K Strawberry Gold® Bangle | TSRZ 33
    14K Strawberry Gold® Bangle | TSRY 12
    14K Strawberry Gold® Bracelet | TSMA 8
    14K Strawberry Gold® Bracelet
    14K Vanilla Gold® Passion Ruby™ 2 1/3 cts. Bangle | JECO 64
    14K Strawberry Gold® Bracelet | TREO 53
    14K Strawberry Gold® Bolo Bracelet | WJKZ 13
    14K Strawberry Gold® Bolo Bracelet