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14K Strawberry Gold® Forest Green Tsavorite™ 1/3 cts., Passion Ruby™ 1/3 cts. Pendant with Chocolate Diamonds® 1/2 cts. | TSON 5
  • Godiva x Le Vian Pendant featuring 1/3 cts. Forest Green Tsavorite™, 1/3 cts. Passion Ruby™, 1/2 cts. Chocolate Diamonds® set in 14K Strawberry Gold®

    Style #: TSON 5
    MSRP: $3,200.00

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Ruby has the distinction of being the most valued gemstone throughout most of recorded history. Ancient Sanskrit referred to the ruby as the "king of precious stones", the bible found only wise and virtuous women more precious than rubies and the Persian sage al-Biruni wrote about rubies the first place in color, beauty and rank among all gems. The name Ruby comes from the Latin word ruber for its hue. The strength of red in the ruby depends on how much chromium is present—the more chromium, the stronger the red color. Chromium can also cause fluorescence, which adds to the intensity of the red color. The brilliant crimson color of this gem is associated with passion and love, making the ruby an ideal choice for engagement rings.

There are many famous rubies throughout history, two of which can be seen at the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History including the 138.72-carat Rosser Reeves Star Ruby from Sri Lanka and the 23.10-carat Carmen Lucia Ruby which is considered one of the world's finest large Burmese rubies.

"Passion RubyTM, the July birthstone, embodies our passionate red color and represents the top of production of responsibly sourced ruby."


Tsavorite is a green garnet and, like other garnets, forms within metamorphic rocks; its rareness comes from its specific need for more unusual rock chemistries and special conditions to be in place in order for it to form.
The color scale of this gem is fresh and invigorating, ranging from a spring-like pale green to an intensely bluish-green to a deep forest green, which is the flavor of Le Viang Forest Green TsavoriteTM.

"We chose Honey GoldTM as a backdrop which intensifies the lively green flavor of Forest Green TsavoriteTM, one of the brightest green gems in the 50 Shades of GreenTM trend"


Natural fancy brown diamonds are available in shades from champagne to cognac to Chocolate Diamonds®, Le Vian®’s original brand of natural fancy color brown diamonds. Chocolate Diamonds® are naturally flavored, the depth of their color determined by the tremendous amount of pressure the diamond receives from deep within the earth.

Famous brown diamonds include the 545 carat dark rich champagne hued "Golden Jubilee," the world's largest cut natural diamond.

"Le Vian® chooses only those natural brown diamonds that are C4-C7 and higher in color, SI and higher in clarity, each cut to Le Vian®’s standards, and sourced directly through Le Vian®. Le Vian® is the only company on earth to make jewelry with Chocolate Diamonds®.”